
Meet Kerriann Sullivan: 

The Everyday Hero with a Passion for Beauty

Kerriann is more than just a Brand Ambassador for MyHairMail; she's a beacon of inspiration and a living testament to the transformative power of self-care.

Who is Kerriann?

In her own words, Kerriann describes herself as a "regular person, who happens to be a nurse, who happens to have alopecia, who happens to love helping people feel good about themselves!" This multi-faceted identity makes her the perfect ambassador for a brand that champions self-expression and well-being.


The Nurse with a Mission

A dedicated nurse by profession, Kerriann brings a compassionate and empathetic approach to everything she does. Her medical background gives her a unique perspective on the physical and emotional aspects of hair loss, making her a valuable resource for those navigating similar challenges.

A Personal Journey

Kerriann's own experience with alopecia has shaped her understanding of the pivotal role that wigs, esthetics, and make-up can play in personal transformation. Her journey has fueled her passion for helping others find their own paths to self-confidence and beauty.


A Versatile Expert

From wigs to make-up to esthetics, Kerriann is a jack-of-all-trades in the beauty industry. Whether you're looking for tips on choosing the perfect wig or seeking advice on skincare and make-up, Kerriann has you covered.

The Heart of MyHairMail

Kerriann embodies the essence of MyHairMail—empowerment, authenticity, and a dash of glamour. As our Brand Ambassador, she continues to inspire and uplift, one wig and one smile at a time.

Our goal is to build a supportive
and self-empowering community of fabulous women.
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